Inter-Club Competition between Stafford Camera Club and Acton Trussel & Penkridge Photographic Society – 21.01.25
Inter-Club Competition between Stafford Camera Club and Acton Trussel & Penkridge Photographic Society – 21.01.25 The Annual competition was held on 21.01.25 again the each club entered 15 DPI ‘s and 15 prints. The competition was judged by Paddy Rusk The results were:- DPI’s Stafford – 253 points Acton
Charity of the Year – Update
Stafford Camera Club members decided this season to support the local charity ‘The British Wildlfie Rescue Centre (BWRC)’ We do this by holding a raffle on all our competition nights, so far we have raised £270 Here is member Sue Tupling and volunteer with Hans, one of 2 baby
As a club we affiliate to the Midland Counties Photographic Federation as our region – which in turn is affiliated to the Photographic Alliance of Great Britain. For more information about what they do and what they offer to photographers and their clubs, take a look at their websites MCPF –
Congratulations to John Simpson CPAGB BPE 4*
A big congratulations to John Simpson for achieving his BPE 4*
Print 2 Progress Competition 07.01.25 – Winning Images
A BIG CONGRATULATIONS to member Peter Wideman, his entry in the Amateur Motorsport Photography Awards 2024 entry has been shortlisted! They say;- “Your talent and unique perspective have shone through among an impressive array of submissions, and we couldn’t be more excited to celebrate your achievement.”
DPI 2 Progress Competition 26.11.24 – Winning Images
Staffordshire Photographic Clubs PDI Competition 13.11.24.
The Staffordshire Photographic Clubs PDI Competition November 13th 2024 – Judged by Peter Gennard MFIAP, EFIAP/d3 was held last night at Lea Hall In Rugeley. Tamworth won with a score of 168. Stafford Camera Club came 2nd with 160. And Stafford Photographic came 3rd scoring 158. For our club to