Some quick hints and tips to entering progress competitions…
- Entries for all competitions are due one week before the competition evening
- You may submit up to three mono and three colour images
- Maximum dimensions for images are 1600 pixels wide and 1200 pixels high
- Title your image with <Image Title> e.g. The Barn.jpg for each category (mono and colour)
- Please do not put anything other than the title as the filename e.g. do not include mono, DPI, version 3, your name etc.
- Email your individual files to competitionentries@ including your class and full name. - For print competitions, ensure the title of the DPI matches the title of the print.
- Check that you have received the ‘Entries Accepted’ email by the end of the weekend before the competition.
Three of a kind entries
- Submit either three separately mounted prints or three prints on one mount.
- If prints are separate, ensure that each print is labelled with your name, title and Left Middle Right (as the judge would look at them)
- Three of a kind print panels will be also be shown as a DPI, please send in your DPI in the usual way for each print indicating L, M or R in the filename for left middle or right.
Refer to the full Competition Rules for further information.