Print -Westminster Affinity - Martin Knight - 20 pts
Print - Dreaming -Sharron Hill - 16 pts
Print - On the Prowl- John Simpson - 16 pts
Print - Smile - Sharron Hill - 15 pts
Old Craig A Long Tusked Elephant - John Simpson
Take Off - Matt Hoar - 18 pts
DPI's - Touch of luxury - Tony Dudley - 19 pts
DPI's - Morning Light -Pam Bennett 18 pts
DPI's - Winter Morning on the Canal - Andy Bridge - 18 pts
DPI's- The Reader - Jane Rowbottom 17 pts
DPI's - Line Green - Pam Bennett - 16 pts
DPI's- Caught in the Light - Tony Dudley - 16 pts
Night Heron - Matt Hoar 18 pts
DPI's - Bad Hair Day - Julia Brooks
DPI's - Eye on the Ball - John Simpson - 15 pts