Welcome to the members section, this section contains further details about joining the club, club rules and other documents.
Portuguese Rider – Roisin Chambers
Membership fees are:
Ordinary £30.00 Joint Family £50.00 Under 18 £25.00
There is also a door fee of £5 per session (this is reduced to £4.00 if you pay all fees in advance by direct debit. This is a total of £162.00).
The door fee for non-members is £6
Visiting Members from other clubs in competitions pay £5
The club has a hardship fund, so if members are experiencing difficulties please speak to the Treasurer in confidence.
Membership Application Form 2024-2025
If you are interested in becoming a member, please fill this form in and bring it along with you when you visit us.
25 Common Photography Abbreviations explained