
Welcome to the members section, this section contains further details about joining the club, club rules and other documents.

Portuguese Rider – Roisin Chambers

Membership fees are:

Ordinary  £30.00   Joint Family  £50.00   Under 18   £25.00

There is also a door fee of £5 per session (this is reduced to £4.00 if you pay all fees in advance by direct debit. This is a total of £162.00).

The door fee for non-members is £6

Visiting Members from other clubs in competitions pay £5

The club has a hardship fund, so if members are experiencing difficulties please speak to the Treasurer in confidence.

 Membership Application Form 2024-2025

If you are interested in becoming a member, please fill this form in and bring it along with you when you visit us.

Club Rules

Competition Rules

Health and Safety Policy


Photoshop Training Subsidy

25 Common Photography Abbreviations explained